Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Monday, December 10, 2018

"Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree"

In modern times, the cellphones are often used more than any other device. The modern smartphones are present in every place where people go, because they are used as individual devices: in houses, offices and even in the school. As a result, some people disagree with the use of cellphones for children in classrooms. This essay will see the two points of view related to this topic: the people that agree with to the presence of cellphones in spaces of study, and the people who disagree with this practice.

Using cellphones in classrooms can have many advantages. Firstly, usually the smartphones can give you access to internet, and bring many applications to use. This issue can be used as a methodological tool. The teachers can integrate many options to use in class, as use applications that allow interact with all the students. This can help to the teacher to incorporate the same knowledge in a way more interactive way, and discover new abilities of their students.

As opposed to the above mentioned, if the cellphones are allowed to use in class, but without a methodological purpose, this can bring disadvantages. Having the knowledge of a disproportionate use of the smartphones in the context of education can produce a fatigue in relation to focus and mental concentration. This issue begins with multiple stimuli that give the access to many applications at the time. If in the educational spaces no controls this problem, the students can be affected by the deterioration of the mental concentration, and the stress that can cause it.

In conclusion, using cellphones in classrooms can bring benefits if this is used as a methodological tool, as interactive work with the students. They can learn with others methodologies and this can explore to their abilities. On the other hand, if the cellphones are used in a purpose of entertainment, this can affect the efficiency and productivity of the entire class. However, the technology always can be used taking advantage to learning something new.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Public spent on Book

Introduction: The following report will show the public spending with respect to books in four countries: Germany, France, Italy and Austria in one decade, since 1995 until 2005. The dimension of the money spent in books will be considerate in millions of US dollars.
Data description: With respect to the data, the line graph shows the sequence of the public spending of the four countries. First of all, Germany highlights in the economic resources designated to buy books. It initiated in 1995 with $80 million dollars increasing to $90 millions of dollars in 1999. Then, there is a gradual decreasing to 2003 with the amount of $85 millions of dollars. Finally, there is a final peak in 2005 increasing it reaching the amount of $95 millions of dollars.
In second place, France has initiated in 1995 with the amount of $55 millions of dollars, rising to $60 million in 1999. Later, it increased nearby $10 million dollars in two years. Then, there was a little increasing coming to $75 million in 2005.
In third place, Italy had an amount of $50 million dollars in 1995, growing up a little coming to $55 million in two years. Then, there was a little drop in the public spending in 1999 going back in $50 million. Finally, there was a gradual recovery until 2005, coming to almost $60 million.
The last country is Austria, which in 1995 had the amount of $30 million, going up to $40 million in 1999. Here, was a stabilized spend between 1999 and 2001. Then, there was a dramatically rising coming to $60 million in 2003, and finally it jumps into $70 million in 2005.
Conclusion: Normally, all the countries have grown up with respect in the public spending in 10 years.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Chile and the TV as a distraction.

During many years, the significance of television has become more important according as family recreation. The function of the TV has been transformed, resulting in some other roles as cultural topics and, the most important thing that is relevant to this essay, to distract the people. Why people have more knowledge about people within entertainment world than the current state of their country or the world? However, in my opinion, I agree about knowing your social/cultural environment through the entertainment world, but unfortunately, the more important occurrences that does changes in the structure of the world does not related to famous people of the entertainment world.

In consequence, apparently the media has using it to move the attention of the people into other issues, even conceal or manipulate information. In “Mass media and national development: the role of information in the developing countries” by Wilbur Schramm, he analyses the role of the media information and how it changes: “(…) in some cases at least, it tends to ignore important events and to distort the reality it presents." (Scharmm,W. 1964; p19). As he noticed, the big problem is that the main role of the media has changed, (that is communicate at all the population), becoming now to misinform people.

Therefore, can we release the information to the world? How it changes the society? Is that related to as a globalization problem, or is an ancient strategy?

Monday, September 10, 2018


Valentina Obreque is an undergraduate student of anthropology in the Universidad de Chile. She is interested in the study of the cultures in all the expertise fields, especially from the archaeology, in which she would like investigate topics related with burial phenomena and symbolism or ideology.

She has been a student of this university since last year, for this reason she do not have academic experiences about the career. Although, she would like to work as voluntary in the Museo de Historia Natural to have some experience in the field that she is studying. Also, she would like to help some students with their thesis, because she wants to learn about advanced topics in the professional field.

She has investigated different issues, first of all, she has written an article about the influence of Polynesia in South America, specifically in the Mapuche area. Plus, she has written about the perception of the Jesuitas about the native people in south of Chile, in the colonization process. Adding to this academic information, she enjoy to work making investigations, do it with partners.

Currently in this semester, she and other classmates will write a research the medicinal use of specific plants in Chiloe’s Island.


Tuesday, August 7, 2018


The app that I use every day is Facebook. I know it’s an app very popular around the world, but is the most that I like it. I have been using Facebook since 2011, when I started the teenage and I needed found new friends, so one of my classmates recommended this social network. I like Facebook for many reasons, one of them is the “memes” that the pages upload (are son funny haha), and the communication is so fast. You can debate with others or move masses of people just publishing a sentence. Although also has cons, since the speed of the information, and who is giving it. For this reason, some pages can control the information, and so control the people that do not search for their media.
By the way, it can be an unsafe place for the kids that use it (and they shouldn’t). It’s a very open place that may guard many bad people; you cannot know who the person is through the screen. You must be very cautious with that.
Despite of all, I still continue having a great time seeing the photos of my friends, and l laughing with the memes. I would recommend because you can find again the persons you left behind in your past or for the opposite make new friends.

Imagen relacionada

Tuesday, July 31, 2018


In the listening exercises I have medium results; in each exercise I failed in one question at least, only in one exercise I have all the results well. About the reading exercises that are three tests, in two of them I have all very well, but in the last one, in the matching exercise it was more harder than the others tests. It was more difficult to me understand de differences in the choices.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


One of my biggest ambitions (if is not the bigger) is live in Japan. I always dream about this, and it’s makes me so happy (and so sad because I don’t think it’s going to happen L ). In YouTube there is a channel of a couple of Japanese girl and a Spanish boy and their videos are about the Japanese culture, shows the amazing historical landscapes and how they live together despite the cultural difference. Their videos are so interesting, and makes that I want to go there and live the experience myself. The only trouble is the fact that I’m studying anthropology (archaeology), and I don’t know if it’s possible work in something like that in Japan. Despite I would leave my family far away from me, I think nothing compares to live there, and that’s fascinating me a lot.
I don’t know nothing about the language (actually I want to learn other languages like Italian and increase my English because it’s too bad and that’s embarrassing me), but if this comes true (someday), obviously I must learn Japanese.  But if I have the chance to travel to Japan like tourist, it makes me the happiest person ever. Actually, I want to visit a lot of places but if I go to Japan someday, I could say I already did everything in my life.
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Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Favorite toy as a child

When I was a child I didn’t like play with toys, like dolls or truck toys because I never have the imagination quality. So, the way that I made me fun was with a videogames. My cousin is eight years older than me, so when I was five years old, he was a teenager. He had a Super Nintendo and a Nintendo 64, and all my family enjoyed with these game consoles. My mom bought a N64 and I play all the time despite I misunderstand anything because the language of the games were in English. So, I play without know what I was doing, now in the present I “re-played” the same games to remember the old times and –finally- understand everything haha. I remember some games with nostalgic and happiness, but also it’s time to bring new games in my life (like everything). I liked play videogames because l loved (and still love) introduce in a story created for another person, the variety in this hobby is huge, and you can find your place inside this area. I still play currently and share these stuffs with my friends that I met here in the University, even I teach these things to my little sister and she accompanies me in this hobby.
Resultado de imagen para super mario 64

Thursday, July 12, 2018


Resultado de imagen para blockbusterBack when I was a child, I really liked my grand mother's pancakes, it was so good:  the smell, the dough, the delicacy, i loved them so much. Me and my sister really enjoy those pancakes especially on rainy days. The best felling at the time was eat the pancakes and watch our favorite tv shows on nickelodeon, cartoon network or disney channel. Sometimes on winter I used to predicted the day that my grandma was gonna make pancakes, it was so fun. But there are so many dishes I really enjoy to this every day, like my mom's pizza, she used to made on the weekends.  I clearly remember our rutine, go out from school on friday, later we usually went to the Blockbuster video, rent a movie and eat pizza. Such a great memories with the food that my family used to prepare. Sometimes when iIeat those dishes it feels like entering to a time machine. Finally I would like to talk about my skills on the kitchen, when I was 14 or 15 I ask my grandma to teach me how to make some really  cool stuff like apple pie, cheese cake, etc. At the begining my skills was so low, honestly I think that cakes tastes so bad, in fact I feel bad for the ones that ate those dishes haha. With the pass of the time I started getting good, in the present time everyone on my family ask for my apple pie on the birthdays, christmas, new year. I'm so thankful to my grandma for teaching me one of my greatest passions.
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The job of my dreams is to be an archaeologist, and I'm studying for this. It's really gratifying working in something you really like, but it's not always being like that. When I was a little child, the job of my dreams was to be a teacher. I loved to teach to my classmates when they did not understand the classes, even I teached to my grandma the stuffs that I had to study to test (so it helps me a lot). When I grew up, I was in seventh grade when I realized that my classmates did not pay attention to the classes and did not respect the teachers. It was like this when (despite I love to teach everything that I know) I stopped liking pedagogy.

I was in third grade in high school when I discovered the Anthropology / Archeology area (very recent) on internet, from there I started to go to some activities related to these topics. Even currently, I still continue to discover new areas fascinating that I want to work like working with chimps or paleontology, but these things only can be resolved finish this stage.
Resultado de imagen para paleontologiaResultado de imagen para chimps

Something I'd like to learn

If a genius granted me any wish, I would like learn everything. From the things most insignificants to the most interestings. In the musical topic, I would like to learn play saxophone, trombone and, despite I already know a Little bit of this (really just a little bit), increase my knowledge in guitar and drums (especially drums, for me is more easy play drums that anything else, but I just know the basics stuffs).  Also, I’d like to learn musical theory, for better understanding of the área. In other topic, I’d like to learn Italian and Japonese. In fact, when I finish English and the general training courses that the University demands, I will take an italian course in the campus (and the instrumental/ orchestal course to learn trombone). My boyfriend is music teacher, and when he is exciting for teach a song in his job, he teaches me thats song so that in that way he know if the son gis too difficult to the kids and also we can play together spending our time learning each other😊
Also, I NEED learn some stuffs of time-organization. I think that it help me a lot in everything, I believe that if the time is used with wisdom in our everyday, we can be successful in all that we want. But I feel this is the most difficult stuff to learn for me, I need to work in this right now for better results


When I  was in high school, I really wanted learn how to play the electric guitar. So my parents decided to buy one for me, and later I took class from a professor that knew my cousin. At the begining it was really hard because my fingers was so silly. It Took me two or three months learn how to change the chords. At the time I like the alternative rock groups like The Cure, Blur, The Strokes and stuffs like that. One year later I was able to play most of my favorite songs on guitar so I really wanted to form a band with my school mates. I convinced my best friend to learn how to play guitar, so we can play together our favorite songs. The next challenge for us was reunite more people that wanted to have a rock n roll band, it was a though search but we finally found a bass player and a drummer in the grade of my sister. We wanted to practice so hard to get better and so can presentate on the high school talent show. For that reason I needed to make a song, and I really did it!. At the begining I didn't know how to do it but what I told to my self was "if these singers can make a song, I can too". Finally we was able to perform at the high school festival. It was such a great show, and the croud was going really wild.

Saturday, May 12, 2018

First Day

Hello, today I will write about my first day at the university. I remember that day very well because I was afraid, even when I saw the people get together, the only thing that I thinked in that moment was running away and cry. I was very exciting for start a new life style, with new friends, new teachers, new place… but I don’t was secure if I must be there. As time went I felt very incapacitated to learn all the topics in class. I remember that I was feel very insecure with regard to my capacities, I don’t knew how study, how to lead every things that happens in this new step for me. 

I must say that all of those feelings did’nt desappear in all the semester, I think that the thing of don’t know how to socialize does’nt helped me at all. I remember that I was very depressed for feeling inferior with regard to my classmates. All this overwhelming ends at the second semester, when I propose to myself that I will change my thoughts meeting more people, and this situation improved a lot, now I have good friends that we help each other, and finally I feel more able to front the subjects. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Good friends :)

Hello to everyone :), today I'm going to write about a friend that I met at the University, and this person is called Catalina. We first met on the last year in an activity that the institution organized to us (the students of first year), we talk about some things about this new phase at the Uni. I must say that I spoke only with her because I was afraid for begin a something new; meet new friends and all that implies. Then, as time passed on the academic year, she has helped me a lot to survive in the Uni and to meet other people, and we have formed a group very cool. About the things in common, the music that I listen is similar to that she listen. But I don’t care if we have a lot of differences; I like to be her friend because she is a skilled student, smart and I like spend my time with she, it’s a great company, she has a good heart she always will ready to support you in anything, I know that she is going to be good on whatever she want. The good thing is that we see every day, and still remains a lot of time to stay with her.
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