Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Favorite toy as a child

When I was a child I didn’t like play with toys, like dolls or truck toys because I never have the imagination quality. So, the way that I made me fun was with a videogames. My cousin is eight years older than me, so when I was five years old, he was a teenager. He had a Super Nintendo and a Nintendo 64, and all my family enjoyed with these game consoles. My mom bought a N64 and I play all the time despite I misunderstand anything because the language of the games were in English. So, I play without know what I was doing, now in the present I “re-played” the same games to remember the old times and –finally- understand everything haha. I remember some games with nostalgic and happiness, but also it’s time to bring new games in my life (like everything). I liked play videogames because l loved (and still love) introduce in a story created for another person, the variety in this hobby is huge, and you can find your place inside this area. I still play currently and share these stuffs with my friends that I met here in the University, even I teach these things to my little sister and she accompanies me in this hobby.
Resultado de imagen para super mario 64


  1. I loved your post, the toys are boring but video games are very entertaining <3

  2. I remember to had a lot of good time playing with my Play Station when i was a child too. As you said, it brings some familiar fun. Which ones were your favourites games?

    1. Now I'm playing Majora's Mask because I have an unlocked Nintendo ds xD

  3. When I have 9 years I have a nintendo and I love playing Zelda, that's my favorite game <3

  4. super mario it's very cool. I liked to play super mario kart in nintendo haha :)

  5. I had a N64 too, I played smash and banjo tooie and kazooie. It was awesome spend my time in that.

  6. I had a nintendo when I was a kid, but my cousin took it from me so I was never good at playing videogames :(

  7. I remember when I was a child, look my older brother played that! But I'm really bad in that things :C
