Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Thursday, July 12, 2018


When I  was in high school, I really wanted learn how to play the electric guitar. So my parents decided to buy one for me, and later I took class from a professor that knew my cousin. At the begining it was really hard because my fingers was so silly. It Took me two or three months learn how to change the chords. At the time I like the alternative rock groups like The Cure, Blur, The Strokes and stuffs like that. One year later I was able to play most of my favorite songs on guitar so I really wanted to form a band with my school mates. I convinced my best friend to learn how to play guitar, so we can play together our favorite songs. The next challenge for us was reunite more people that wanted to have a rock n roll band, it was a though search but we finally found a bass player and a drummer in the grade of my sister. We wanted to practice so hard to get better and so can presentate on the high school talent show. For that reason I needed to make a song, and I really did it!. At the begining I didn't know how to do it but what I told to my self was "if these singers can make a song, I can too". Finally we was able to perform at the high school festival. It was such a great show, and the croud was going really wild.

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