Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Something I'd like to learn

If a genius granted me any wish, I would like learn everything. From the things most insignificants to the most interestings. In the musical topic, I would like to learn play saxophone, trombone and, despite I already know a Little bit of this (really just a little bit), increase my knowledge in guitar and drums (especially drums, for me is more easy play drums that anything else, but I just know the basics stuffs).  Also, I’d like to learn musical theory, for better understanding of the área. In other topic, I’d like to learn Italian and Japonese. In fact, when I finish English and the general training courses that the University demands, I will take an italian course in the campus (and the instrumental/ orchestal course to learn trombone). My boyfriend is music teacher, and when he is exciting for teach a song in his job, he teaches me thats song so that in that way he know if the son gis too difficult to the kids and also we can play together spending our time learning each other😊
Also, I NEED learn some stuffs of time-organization. I think that it help me a lot in everything, I believe that if the time is used with wisdom in our everyday, we can be successful in all that we want. But I feel this is the most difficult stuff to learn for me, I need to work in this right now for better results

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