Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Tuesday, July 24, 2018


One of my biggest ambitions (if is not the bigger) is live in Japan. I always dream about this, and it’s makes me so happy (and so sad because I don’t think it’s going to happen L ). In YouTube there is a channel of a couple of Japanese girl and a Spanish boy and their videos are about the Japanese culture, shows the amazing historical landscapes and how they live together despite the cultural difference. Their videos are so interesting, and makes that I want to go there and live the experience myself. The only trouble is the fact that I’m studying anthropology (archaeology), and I don’t know if it’s possible work in something like that in Japan. Despite I would leave my family far away from me, I think nothing compares to live there, and that’s fascinating me a lot.
I don’t know nothing about the language (actually I want to learn other languages like Italian and increase my English because it’s too bad and that’s embarrassing me), but if this comes true (someday), obviously I must learn Japanese.  But if I have the chance to travel to Japan like tourist, it makes me the happiest person ever. Actually, I want to visit a lot of places but if I go to Japan someday, I could say I already did everything in my life.
Resultado de imagen para japon


  1. I wish that the archaeology that they teach us here will be aplly in other countryes like Japan.

  2. You have to believe it can happen Valentina. There are some scholarships, too.
    Tickets are cheaper now as well.

  3. Hi! Japan is really cool! I should like to visit there too.

  4. hello ,Japan is very ugly. why your animation sad ??
