Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Monday, October 1, 2018

Chile and the TV as a distraction.

During many years, the significance of television has become more important according as family recreation. The function of the TV has been transformed, resulting in some other roles as cultural topics and, the most important thing that is relevant to this essay, to distract the people. Why people have more knowledge about people within entertainment world than the current state of their country or the world? However, in my opinion, I agree about knowing your social/cultural environment through the entertainment world, but unfortunately, the more important occurrences that does changes in the structure of the world does not related to famous people of the entertainment world.

In consequence, apparently the media has using it to move the attention of the people into other issues, even conceal or manipulate information. In “Mass media and national development: the role of information in the developing countries” by Wilbur Schramm, he analyses the role of the media information and how it changes: “(…) in some cases at least, it tends to ignore important events and to distort the reality it presents." (Scharmm,W. 1964; p19). As he noticed, the big problem is that the main role of the media has changed, (that is communicate at all the population), becoming now to misinform people.

Therefore, can we release the information to the world? How it changes the society? Is that related to as a globalization problem, or is an ancient strategy?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Valentina,
    I think the idea you want to present is good. I am not sure what the problem is yet. We just need to tidy up this text a little.
