Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Practice Post

Hi everyone!! ✌ In this post i  want to tell you about my Blog Session expectations in this semester 👀. Despite of being a little bit scared (haha), I think that will be great from me to learn english in a non-traditional way like creating these blogs. I want to add in this Blog Sessions some topics about travels and animals. In my opinion, speak in english is the most difficult skill when I tried to learn english (thats why im in panic 😠), I never practice speaking english because I'm too bad for that, (persueychon). Buuut, is easier for me to read and listen the language. I think thats fantastic to use other way to teaching english, because is an innovator tool for me and my classmates. So.. I'll be waiting for your commentaries !!

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