Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Monday, December 10, 2018

"Some people argue that using cell-phones in the classroom could be beneficial. Others totally disagree"

In modern times, the cellphones are often used more than any other device. The modern smartphones are present in every place where people go, because they are used as individual devices: in houses, offices and even in the school. As a result, some people disagree with the use of cellphones for children in classrooms. This essay will see the two points of view related to this topic: the people that agree with to the presence of cellphones in spaces of study, and the people who disagree with this practice.

Using cellphones in classrooms can have many advantages. Firstly, usually the smartphones can give you access to internet, and bring many applications to use. This issue can be used as a methodological tool. The teachers can integrate many options to use in class, as use applications that allow interact with all the students. This can help to the teacher to incorporate the same knowledge in a way more interactive way, and discover new abilities of their students.

As opposed to the above mentioned, if the cellphones are allowed to use in class, but without a methodological purpose, this can bring disadvantages. Having the knowledge of a disproportionate use of the smartphones in the context of education can produce a fatigue in relation to focus and mental concentration. This issue begins with multiple stimuli that give the access to many applications at the time. If in the educational spaces no controls this problem, the students can be affected by the deterioration of the mental concentration, and the stress that can cause it.

In conclusion, using cellphones in classrooms can bring benefits if this is used as a methodological tool, as interactive work with the students. They can learn with others methodologies and this can explore to their abilities. On the other hand, if the cellphones are used in a purpose of entertainment, this can affect the efficiency and productivity of the entire class. However, the technology always can be used taking advantage to learning something new.