Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Saturday, May 12, 2018

First Day

Hello, today I will write about my first day at the university. I remember that day very well because I was afraid, even when I saw the people get together, the only thing that I thinked in that moment was running away and cry. I was very exciting for start a new life style, with new friends, new teachers, new place… but I don’t was secure if I must be there. As time went I felt very incapacitated to learn all the topics in class. I remember that I was feel very insecure with regard to my capacities, I don’t knew how study, how to lead every things that happens in this new step for me. 

I must say that all of those feelings did’nt desappear in all the semester, I think that the thing of don’t know how to socialize does’nt helped me at all. I remember that I was very depressed for feeling inferior with regard to my classmates. All this overwhelming ends at the second semester, when I propose to myself that I will change my thoughts meeting more people, and this situation improved a lot, now I have good friends that we help each other, and finally I feel more able to front the subjects.