Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Subjects that was cool

On this semester, I’ve study different subjects. I enjoyed some of them, with the others I suffered. I love the issues of Evolution, but I’m always wrong in the tests L And it feels so bad, because I love the topics of this subject, the teachers are so cool and nice and I feel that I know some stuffs of the area, but the situation is so depressive for me, I guess that I need to adapt to the pace of the University…  I like the subject because I like the topic of Hominization and I’m interesting in the evolution of the species, is so beautiful read about this. One of our teacher is a spanish paleontologist <3 and the other is a geneticist, they do a great pair work. And the other subject that I like is Archaeology. I love the topics that deal, but the first three units were boring (because the teacher was boring), and the second teacher was so creepy and bossy (She reminds me to my mom), but to close the semester they organized a forum-debate that was so cool J They came two professionals to speak to us about Archaeology in Chile and the Museums, it was great J.

Resultado de imagen para arqueologia

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Good afternoon to everyone :) I would like to take a postgraduate course, but I don’t know which yet, currently I’m concentrate in my bachelor's degree now, I’m in first year so the only I want is to finish the career haha. But if I take the Archaeology’s mention, I’ll take a postgraduate course of some particular materiality like botanical or zoo-archaeology. But if I take the Physical mention, I’ll take the Masters degree in Archaeology and so get the title of Bio-archaeologist (that’s what I prefer), the Master degree in Archaeology can open others domains. I would like study in México, for be adapted to the cultural change (It would be easier, I guess), I would like learn and live the Mexican culture, I think it would be an adventure study in another country :D. I’m interested in the human evolution, but I’m sure that in the career I will find out other options and experiences. That’s all, thank you for read.
Resultado de imagen para esqueletos de hominidosResultado de imagen para esqueletos de hominidos